Fordham University Philosophy Department
The Philosophy Department of Fordham University is committed to offering undergraduate and graduate programs in philosophy that are (a) of the highest quality with regard to teaching and scholarship, (b) consistent with the Jesuit, Catholic, and American character of the University, and (c) reflective of a commitment (i) to grounding students in the history of philosophy; (ii) to grounding students in contemporary philosophical movements and issues; and (iii) at the level of advanced courses and dissertation research, to providing graduate students with an opportunity for more intensive and specialized research in both the history of philosophy and contemporary figures and problems; and to fostering a vibrant intellectual exchange among faculty and students.
Marquette University Philosophy Department
The Philosophy Department at Marquette University aims to enable students in all disciplines with the development of interpretive, critical, analytical and communicative skills necessary to personal intellectual and moral development, cultural literacy, and achievement in the complexities of life in the Twenty-First Century. The Department aims to foster among faculty and students a climate of mutual respect and support for engaging in scholarship, learning, and service that embraces diversity, respect for historic traditions, and the pursuit of knowledge in historic and contemporary approaches to philosophy. The department aims to extend the role of philosophy beyond the university through its publications and leadership in the profession and through innovative programs that engage alumni and community members. As a philosophy department in a Jesuit Catholic University, the Department encourages students and faculty to engage in exploration of the Catholic tradition in the history of philosophy and an examination of the role of philosophy in a life of faith and service. The Department understands its mission in the context of the University’s Mission Statement, which is available here.
Saint Louis University Philosophy Department
Inspired by the Jesuit Catholic ideal of finding God in all things, the Saint Louis University Department of Philosophy engages in teaching, research, and service that, in various ways, work to promote justice, care for others, and openness to God. As a pluralistic department, we prize not only approaches that accord with or affirm this traditional Jesuit Catholic ideal, but also those that strengthen it by challenging it. The Department strives to provide an excellent introduction to the discipline and practice of philosophy. We seek to build up in our students the ability to understand, explain, and evaluate lines of reasoning, to foster a reflective moral life, and to educate them in the history of philosophy, contemporary philosophical debate, and the Catholic heritage. Our goal is to nurture in each student a philosophical habit of mind, an appreciation for the Western philosophical tradition, a spirit of intellectual inquiry, and a lifelong desire for wisdom. The Department seeks to continue the Catholic tradition of engaging philosophically with contemporary culture, both to learn from it and to share with it the intellectual heritage Catholicism treasures. The Department serves this tradition through philosophical research from a range of perspectives, Catholic and non-Catholic. In their research, faculty members aim to enrich the life of the mind and further the welfare of the human community. The Department is guided by the Jesuit ideal of being men and women for others. Consistent with this goal, the members of the Department endeavor to place their philosophical expertise and their other talents and gifts at the service of Saint Louis University as well as various academic, religious, business, political, or cultural communities.
Saint Louis University College of Philosophy and Letters
The College of Philosophy and Letters of Saint Louis University was established as a distinct school of Saint Louis University in 1889 for the education of Jesuit seminarians. Today the College admits not only Jesuit students, but also students studying for ordination as archdiocesan clergy, and students of other Catholic religious orders, congregations, and institutes. The College aims to provide students with an integrated philosophical training that can help illuminate the contexts of ministry in which they have engaged, and are likely to engage, as Jesuits, priests, and religious. This aim requires a course of studies that allows students to bring different traditions of philosophical reflection to bear on the problems of human existence and contemporary global challenges, in such a way that it can be integrated with other fields of learning, especially with subsequent or concomitant theological reflection.
Saint Louis University Catholic Studies Program
The Catholic Studies Program in the College of Arts and Sciences offers interdisciplinary and integrated study in the intellectual and social traditions of the Church from the New Testament period to the present. The program is designed to explore major questions that have occupied Christian philosophers and theologians, artists and literary writers, political theorists and historians, as well as natural and social scientists for two millennia. In addition to a variety of courses in the Christian intellectual tradition, Catholic Studies offers interested students opportunities to explore the history and mission of the Society of Jesus and the traditions underlying Saint Louis University as a Catholic, Jesuit institution. Along with course work, the program also offers a variety of social and spiritual activities.
University of Detroit Mercy Philosophy Department
The Department of Philosophy at the University of Detroit Mercy embodies UDM’s commitment to its students. We do this by creating an academic environment that encourages students to approach fundamental questions with an attitude of open and disciplined reflection, that evokes a love for the intellectual life, and promotes a deeper appreciation of our civilization, which has been influenced by philosophy at all levels.
Xavier University Philosophy Department
Our mission is to educate students in the great ideas and movements of the history of Western Philosophy in order that they might become creative, critical and active participants in the world in which they live. The mission requires that Philosophy professors’ teaching engage their students in the study of the fundamental questions which encompass the whole of human life and knowledge, of nature and God.