Bylaws of Philosophy in Jesuit Education

Article One: Name.
The name of this society shall be Philosophers in Jesuit Education.

Article Two: Objectives.
The objectives of this society shall be: to pursue matters of shared philosophical and educational interest, such as conferences and publications; to study relationships between philosophy and Jesuit and Ignatian values; to promote scholarly fellowship; and to cooperate with other philosophical and educational societies.

Article Three: Membership.
3.1  Full membership in this society is open to philosophers who hold present or past teaching, research, or administrative positions in institutions of higher education affiliated with the Society of Jesus (Jesuits) and who express interest in the joining the society.
3.2  Full membership is also open to those who express interest in the objectives of the society, are nominated by a member.
3.3  Membership in the society is confirmed by the executive committee of the society.
3.4  Those who indicated, to a member of the founding steering committee, their desire to be associated with the activities of the society prior to the adopting of these bylaws are, by virtue of their desire to be associated, founding members.
3.5  Dues shall be proposed by the executive committee and set by a two-thirds vote at the annual meeting.

Article Four: Officers.
4.1  The officers of the society shall be a President, a Vice-President who is President-Elect, and a Secretary, the immediate past President, and three members-at-large.
4.2  The President shall serve for three years.
4.3  The Vice-President/President-elect and Secretary shall serve a term of three years derived from the term of the President.
4.4  The members-at-large shall serve staggered three year terms. One member-at-large shall be elected in each year of a President’s three-year term.
4.5  Election of the Vice-President and Secretary shall take place at the annual meeting of the society.
4.6  Terms of office for the President, Vice-President, and Secretary begin at the close of the annual meeting at which these officers are elected. The term of office for a member-at- large begins at his or her election one month after the close of the annual meeting at which the member-at-large is nominated.
4.7  If the office of President becomes vacant, the Vice-President/President-elect shall become President at the time the vacancy occurs.
4.8  If the office of Vice-President/President-elect or the Secretary becomes vacant, the Executive Committee shall elect from nominees proposed by the Executive Committee a new Vice-President/President-elect or Secretary-Treasurer to complete the term of the vacating officer.
4.9  If any member-at-large resigns from the committee, the Executive Committee will elect from nominees proposed by the Executive Committee a new member-at-large to serve a term of three years from the close of the previous annual meeting plus one month. If an immediate past President resigns from the Executive Committee, that person will not be replaced on the committee.

Article Five. Meetings.
5.1  The Executive Committee shall comprise ex officio the President, Vice-President, Secretary, the immediate past President, and three at-large members elected by the officers of the society.
5.2  The immediate past President shall serve as an ex officio member for a term of three years upon the completion of his or her presidency.
5.3  Every year, at the business meeting of the society, members shall be asked for nominations for a new member-at-large. An email appeal to all members at the time of the ACPA during which the business meeting is held shall also ask for nominations. Once a list of nominees is assembled, the Secretary-Treasurer shall then contact the potential nominees to ask if they are willing to be considered for election. From among those willing to be considered, the Executive Committee shall then elect one new member-at- large.
5.4  The duties of the Executive Committee shall be to conduct the ordinary business of the society, including the arranging of meetings and programs, and other activities prescribed by these bylaws and by the parliamentary authority adopted by the society.

Article Six. The Parliamentary Authority.
The rules contained in the current edition of Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised shall govern the society in all cases where these are applicable and in which they are not inconsistent with these bylaws and any special rules of order the society may adopt.

Article Seven. Amendment of Bylaws.
These bylaws may be amended at the annual meeting by a two-thirds vote, provided that previous notice has been given.


Adopted March 27, 1993 Amended November 18, 2017