Resources Documents Some Characteristics of Jesuit Colleges and Universities Jesuit Ratio Studiorum Fr. General Nicolas’s Mexico City Talk on Challenges to Jesuit Higher Education Fr. General Nicolas’ Letter on the Intellectual Apostolate Dr. James Heft’s “The Open Circle: The Catholic University and Academic Freedom” Fr. Mark Henninger’s “Tradition and Modernity in African Philosophy and Beyond” David Ingram’s “Hope and Fulfillment” Bill Rehg’s “Mindful Ethics and Umwelt” Mary Beth Ingham’s “Formulating One’s Philosophy of Life as a Learning Exercise” Resources at Saint Louis University The Philosophy and Theology of Intellectual Humility Project at St. Louis University The Catholic Studies Program at St. Louis University The Sunday Website (Editor, John B. Foley, S. J.), of Catholic Studies (Director, Christopher Collins, S. J.) at St. Louis University Reinart Center at St. Louis University Organizations Association of Jesuit Colleges and Universities Ignatian Center for Jesuit Education at Santa Clara University Journals Jesuit Higher Education: A Journal Conversations on Jesuit Higher Education America Magazine Thinking Faith: The Online Journal of the British Jesuits Studies in the Spirituality of the Jesuits